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Basic steps for the acquisition of property in Greece

- Signing of a special power of attorney, pursuant to which the purchaser authorizes his lawyer to represent him/her and to carry out the required tasks in terms of the signing of the purchase/sale contract. The power of attorney is signed in the Greek language, in the presence of an interpreter, who certifies with his/her signature the faithfulness of the translation. In case the purchaser is not in Greece, the power of attorney can be signed in his/her country of residence, in the Greek Consulate or in a notary office of his/her country of residence and then it must be validated with an Apostille stamp and, finally, sent to Greece.
- Issuance of TIN number Tax Identification Number (in Greek ΑΦΜ), pursuant to the above mentioned power of attorney.
- Opening a bank account in Greece. Through this account the appropriate amount of money as the tax fee of the purchase and the value of the property are transferred.
- Carrying out a legal inspection of a property at the Competent Land Registry or Cadastral Office of the country.
- Collection of the appropriate documents by the attorney, in close consultation with the Notary, which are necessary for the purchase (certificates, declarations, Urban certificates, tax certificates, certificates from the Archaeologist Service, Forestry and other Services).
- Preparation of the transfer declarations by the Notary and submission of these declarations to the competent Tax Authority, which estimates and verifies the tax amount.
- Once the certificate registration fee is received by the Tax Authority, everything is ready for the signing of the purchase agreement.
- 3-5 days before the signing of the contract, the translation of the contract is sent to the buyer’s e-mail for approval.
- The signed purchase contract (which can be signed either by the purchaser or by his/her authorized attorney) is sent to the competent Land Registry for registration.
- A transcript of the contract is issued.
- The purchase process is completed with the delivery of the complete file along with the officially certified translations, to the purchaser. All documents are also kept in the files of the Lawyer and the Notary as well.
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