You are reading page Extension for 2 programs of the NSRF – Support for Tourist SMEs and Upgrading of very small and small enterprises

Pursuant to the 5-6-2016 press release of the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism, it was announced the extension of the deadlines for electronic submission of investment plans for the actions “Strengthening Tourism SMEs for their modernization and quality upgrade of services provided” and “Upgrade very small and small enterprises for the development of their capacities in the new markets “in the framework of the Operational Program” Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK) “of the NSRF 2014-2020.

– Regarding the action “Support to Tourist SMEs for their modernization and the quality upgrade of the provided services”, the new deadline is July 4, 2016 at 17:00.

– Regarding the action “Upgrading of micro and small enterprises to develop their capabilities in new markets”, the new deadline is July 8, 2016 at 17:00

The ministry considered the extension necessary due to the great impetus caused by the investment interest in the recent decision to activate the Escrow Account in the Deposits and Loans Fund, which allows the start of business without the obligation to pay a letter of guarantee.

In addition, the increase in the available budget of the actions of the NSRF program, which was announced by the Deputy Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism, a few days ago, is another incentive for those interested.

The extension provides the interested parties with the necessary time for the thorough preparation of their investment plans and the full utilization of the financial tools that are now becoming available.

Παράταση για 2 προγράμματα του ΕΣΠΑ - Ενίσχυση Τουριστικών ΜΜΕ και Αναβάθμιση πολύ μικρών και μικρών επιχειρήσεων
Extension for 2 programs of the NSRF - Support for Tourist SMEs and Upgrading of very small and small enterprises
Αναβάθμιση πολύ μικρών και μικρών επιχειρήσεων
CategoryGeneral News
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