You are viewing post Consolidated Bill of Local Self-Government Organizations: The transfer of property rights – “returns” the real estate tax to municipalities

A Consolidated Bill (Article 60) was submitted to the Parliament for Local Self-Government Organizations.

In accordance with this provision, those, willing to sell their property, realizing the transfer of property ownership rights, are expected to be subject to the return of a certificate of immovable property tax, issued by the Administrative Regional Authority. More specifically, in the future, when transferring property ownership rights, according to the said bill, interested persons will have to provide a notarial deed confirming the absence of debt on payment of real estate tax.

According to Article 59, exceptions are real estate properties for which there are prohibitions of use (for example, environmental protection) recognized by public administration institutions. They are written off, on the basis of a decision taken by the Board of Directors.

Consolidated Bill of Local Self-Government Organizations: The transfer of property rights - "returns" the real estate tax to municipalities
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