You are viewing post Energy Performance of Buildings Regulation 2017
On July 12th, the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulation of 2017 came into force. The current Regulation replaced the previous one to keep pace with the new European Directive, 2010/30 / EU.
The National Strategic Reference Framework’s funding principle starts again in September for residential housing as well as for public sector buildings. Some modifications and additions have been made to the Regulation but also additions without changing the underlying specifications and the few requirements while at the same time not minimizing the cost of practical applications of interventions such as renovations, etc.
The main changes are focused on the following areas: a slight increase in the price of the aluminum frames, a slight increase in thermal insulation claims, and also the yields of heating boilers, defined by the Technical Instructions of the Technical Chamber of Greece. The requirements for heat pumps during heating are not deviated from KEAN 2010, as are refrigerators when cooled. Central Air Conditioning Units remain unchanged, but in new buildings, there is an increase, as per the new requirements.

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