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The Ministry of Immigration Policy has provided relevant instructions on the extension and issuance of residence permits to third-country nationals for humanitarian reasons.
The document states that the residence permit for third-country nationals, justified for humanitarian reasons, was accepted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1/6 of Article 19A of Law 4251/2014, whose cases were referred to the Ministry of Immigration by the Refugee Committees and the competent authorities … Thus, the residence permit can be renewed if the reasons for which it was granted cease to be valid, as mentioned in law 4251/2014 (family reunification, etc.).
In addition, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 47 of article 8 of Law 4332/2015, it provided that residence permits issued or renewed in accordance with the provisions of article 28 of Presidential Decree 114/2010 are extended as provided in article 19A of Law. 4251/2014 …

Issuance of a residence permit for humanitarian reasons

In the special case of issuing a residence permit for humanitarian reasons, the interested parties must, within 90 days, submit an application to the Department of Third Country Citizens’ Services of the Ministry of Immigration Policy (Piraeus Province, Agios Dionysios 5) after sending the decision to the the service …
The supporting documents submitted to the Ministry of Immigration for the renewal of a residence permit, article 19A of Law 4251/20, are as follows:
1. Four (4) color passport type photographs in printed and digital format (CD).
2. A receipt of payment of 16 euros, corresponding to the cost of delivery, printing and distribution of the card, will be received in the form of electronic billing (code 4762).
3. A certified copy of a valid passport or travel document recognized by our country, except for those who are objectively deprived of a passport, in which case they submit a responsible application stating the specific conditions of the current temporary or permanent objective situation regarding the impossibility of holding it and the relevant documents confirming this fact (for example, a letter from the consular authority of a third-country national, officially certified and translated, a document from a state authority in Greece).
4. The document with which the interested party is sent to the Ministry of Immigration Policy by the competent decision-making authority in accordance with article 2 par. 9 of Presidential Decree 113/2013.

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Issuance of a residence permit for humanitarian reasons
Issuance of a residence permit for humanitarian reasons
CategoryGeneral News
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