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For the commencement of health-regulated establishments’ functioning, a notification should be submitted by the operator of activity, in an electronic form, through the «Integrated Information System for Business and Control» on the webpage.

Health-regulated establishments are those in which the preparation and/or disposal are made among clients (sitting, standing, passing-by) or distribution of food or sweets, or any other kind of food and beverage products or storage or maintenance or trading of any kind of food and beverage, as well as establishments providing services, which may cause harm to public health.

In addition, health-regulated establishments within tourist accommodation facilities fall under the status requiring operations’ notification, as well as theaters and cinemas.

Before submitting the notification, the person concerned should ensure that the establishment may be established in a specific place. For this purpose, a relevant certificate is required, issued by the Head of the competent department of the relevant municipality. After meeting all the requirements, a certificate shall be issued within fifteen (15) days. If the above deadline lapses, the certificate is deemed to have been issued, if the operation of the specific activity in this specific place is not forbidden. The certificate is valid for five (5) months from its issue, and during that period the person concerned should proceed with the notification.

The notification contains:

  1. Information of operator of activity.
  2. Information on the exact location of the establishment.
  3. Activity code number of the establishment.
  4. Other information, as the case may be.


File Keeping

During the operations of the establishment, the operator of activity should keep all provided supporting documentation of the establishment, which he is obliged to submit to the competent regulatory authorities upon request. This documentation includes the following:

  1. Copy of the acknowledgment of the notification.
  2. Plan of the establishment in a scale explicitly mentioned on the diagram, in which all its premises are depicted with the corresponding surface, including those which are envisaged by the specific provisions of the applicable law (for example, sanitary facilities for people with disabilities), with a certificate issued by an engineer, stating that all building conditions and obligations of the current institutional framework for such establishments are met, that it meets all the requirements for premises of main use, that premises are suitable for the particular use, the requirements of the Fire Protection Regulation, as well as of the existing urban planning provisions, as well as a detailed description of the legalization data of the establishment. The diagram will be accompanied by copies of all regulatory documentation of the establishment in which it is mentioned.
  3. Certificate of the service competent for the streets, that traffic connections works have been fully implemented, in accordance with the approved plans or entry-exit approval, depending on the category of the facility, if required.
  4. Active fire protection certificate, if required.
  5. A solemn declaration of the health manager of the establishment, by which he accepts his appointment (in case if the notifier is a different person from the designated competent person responsible for the establishment).
  6. License for use of the commonly used spaces, if applicable.
  7. License for the extension of the music schedule, if applicable.
  8. Certificate of the competent service of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Government Gazette of the facility’s declaration as a monument, if applicable.
  9. Gas use license, if applicable.
  10. Foreseen fee, depending on the type of establishment.

Process of Notification

For the commencement of the establishment’s operations, the operator of activity submits a notification exclusively in an electronic form, through the electronic system that supports this process, to the relevant municipality. Any notification submitted receives the unique electronic number, which is issued through the system. After completion of changes’ notification, the operator receives a proof copy via the electronic system, which he keeps in his file.

If any information that has been published is to be changed for any reason, the operator carrying out the activity is obliged to provide prior notification of the change.

In case of a change of operator, the previous and the new ones proceed with notification, each of them individually, within ten (10) days from the day of change.

The municipality notifies it within five (5) working days, depending on the case, to the building service, to the health service of the competent Regional Unit, to the fire protection service, to the competent service of the Ministry of Culture and Sport and to the Greek Police, in order for them to be aware of the commencement of operations of the facility and be able to make inspections, foreseen by the law.


The omission to notify, prior to the commencement of operation of health-regulated establishments, or omission to notify the data which is to be changed, or has already been changed, or a statement of false information upon notification or upon a data change, a fine is imposed and its amount is calculated by multiplying

– the base price (100 euros) on

– coefficient of violation level (1-6), depending on the level of violation of the notification

– capacity coefficient (1-8), depending on the size of the facility.


