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To launch a tourist accommodation facility, the operator of activity should send notification by the in electronic form through the «Integrated Information System for Business and Control» on the website

The tourist accommodation facilities, participating in this procedure, are considered as legally functioning after notification’s submission and can be:


Youth hostels

Complex tourist accommodation facilities

Condo hotels

Hotel facilities in traditional settlements

Self-contained apartments – tourist furnished villas and houses

Furnished apartments – rooms

Organized camping.

The content of notification contains:

a) Information of operator of activity

b) Information on the exact location of the tourist facility, that is, the address and geographical coordinates

c) Activity code number of tourist facility

d) Swimming pools operating within the facility

e) More specific information on capacity, category of facility, related activities carried out in it

e) Other information in each case.

File keeping

During the whole functioning of the tourist facility, the operator undertakes to keep all the provided documentation for the facility, which he is obliged to provide to the competent regulatory authorities upon request. These documents include the following:

a) Copy of the acknowledgment of the notification

b) Building permit issued by a relevant local government organization or other competent authority

c) Certificate of fire safety for the whole facility, for tourist facilities with a capacity of up to fifty-one (51) beds and more and for organized tourist camping sites, regardless of capacity.

d) If there is an obligation to issue a license for environmental conditions and according to the conditions for management and utilization of liquid wastes that are envisaged in the decision of approval of environmental conditions or standard environmental obligations, it is linked to the sewerage network of the relevant local government, the documentation should contain confirmation of the connection to this network.

e) Decision on the approval of environmental conditions or declaration on standard environmental obligations, as appropriate.

e) Solemn declaration that the operator has never been convicted of a criminal offense.


To submit a notification, a fee should be paid by type of facility, as follows:

Hotel – Amount per room

Category 5 * – € 10.00 / room

Category 4 * – € 8.00 / room

Category 3 * – € 6,00 / room

Category 2 * – € 4,00 / room

Category 1 * – € 4,00 / room

Tourist furnished houses and villas: € 10,00 per room

Rented furnished rooms and apartments: € 10,00 per room

Organized tourist campsites: € 5,00 euro / place and € 10,00 per house.

Tourist accommodation facilities in traditional settlements: € 10,00 per room.

Notification procedure

To start the operation of tourist accommodation facility, its operator should submit, exclusively in electronic form, a notification through the electronic system supporting this procedure to the competent tourist service. Each sent notification receives a unique electronic number that is issued through the system. Upon completion of procedure of changes’ notification, the operator receives a copy of the confirmation via the electronic system that he stores in the above file with documents.

If, for any reason, the declared data is changed, the operator agrees to notify such a change.

In the event of a change of activity’s operator, the previous and the new operators individually each of them shall notify it, within ten (10) days from the date of the change.

In those cases where a swimming pool is operated in the tourist facility by the same operator, the notifications are presented once and includes the information necessary for all activities. In this case, the operator should keep an additional file with supporting documents relating to the operation of swimming pool.

The competent authority shall notify the relevant fire department, health service, labor inspection, construction service, environmental service, environmental inspectorate, construction, energy and mine inspectorates, Hellenic chamber of hotels, and, possibly, within five (5) business days, other bodies, at their discretion, in order to notify them of the beginning of the operation of the facility and its legality under the prescribed inspections.


In cases of failure to provide a notification prior to the operation of the tourist facility or non-notification its data that will be or was changed, or providing false information when notifying or amending, a fine is imposed, the amount of which is determined by multiplying

– the base price (€ 500) for

– coefficient of violation level (1 – 5), depending on the level of violation of notification

– capacity coefficient (1 – 2,5), depending on the size of tourist facility

– coefficient of additional installations (1,5 – 2).