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You are viewing post Article 15. Extension of validity of residence permit due to extraordinary circumstances

Following a decision by the Minister of Immigration and Asylum, in the case of establishing measures according to case f of par. 2 and case e of par. 4 of the first article of the, dated on 25.02.2020, Act of Legislative Content, the residence permit validity, as well as the validity of the documents of residence and permanent residence, which are issued according to L. 4251/2014 (A’80) and P.D. 106/2007 (A’135) respectively, as well as the certificates of application submission of articles 8 and 9 and the special certifications of legal residence of article 25 L. 4251/2014, which are expiring during the time period of the implicated measures, can be extended and a deadline can be set for the submission of the application of their granting or renewal.

Article 15. Extension of validity of residence permit due to extraordinary circumstances
CategoryGeneral News
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