At the 1st Digital Mobilities conference held online, the speakers agreed that Greece is one of the ideal destinations for digital nomads. But who are digital nomads? It’s the people who can work remotely from anywhere in the world.
Recently, Law 4825/2021 was passed “Reformation of procedures for deportations and returns of third-country nationals, attracting investors and digital nomads, issues of residence permits and procedures for granting international protection and other provisions”. In this way, the granting of a residence permit to citizens of third countries is provided for self-employed people, freelancers, or employees who work for employers or with clients outside of Greece remotely using IT and Communications Technologies. The resident permit is granted for a period of up to 2 years.
The interested party must submit a solemn declaration which will declare that intends to stay in Greece and during this time will work remotely and his work will not involve work or services for an employer based in Greece.
An employment contract is also a necessary supporting document or proof of an employment relationship with one or more employers, natural or legal persons, who are established outside the Greek territory. The contract can be for an indefinite period or a certain period.
Also, the interested party must submit information about his status in the company, as well as information related to the name, the headquarters, and the activity of the company in case the citizen of a third country is self-employed in his own company, which is outside the Greek territory.
Furthermore, to be granted a residence permit, digital nomads will have to prove that they have a stable income sufficient to cover living expenses in the country, without burdening the social welfare system. This amount is set at 3,500 euros per month and is evidenced by the employment contract in the case of dependent work or provision of services from a bank account. In the case of families, the income criteria are increased by 20% for the spouse or partner and by 15% for each child. It is also possible to extend the residence permit for two more years following an application submitted before the expiry of the residence permit and as long as the conditions for the initial grant continue to be met.
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