Intellectual Property
Intellectual property protects every original intellectual literary work, work of art or science, expressed in any form, such as literary and artworks, theatre, photography, painting, sculpting, architecture, databases or PC software and, in general, every asset of human intellect.
Based on national [article 6(2) L. 2121/1993] as well as international law [article 5(2) Berne Convention] the enjoyment and exercise of intellectual property rights are not subject to any formality. Consequently, it is not required the comply with any formal procedure or the participation of any public service or not for the recognition of the intellectual property rights in any work.
The intellectual property right includes property rights and moral rights. The property right allows the creator to exploit their work and benefit financially from it (registration, reproduction, presentation, etc.), while the moral right, which attaches the particular nature of the intellectual property law, as it includes the personal relationship that connects the creator with their creation (moral authority of presentation, the authority to decide i.e. if, how, when the creation will be accessible to the public).
In case of an alleged infringement, the intellectual property, and the related rights are protected by a set of civil, administrative penalties and sanctions, as well as by protective measures.