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The right to Greek citizenship, the requirements, and the rules for the exercise of the citizenship (along with the ways of the award of citizenship) are regulated by the “Citizenship Code” (L. 3284/2004) as it was amended by the L. 4332/2015 (Gov. Gazette 76 A’/09.07.2015) and the relevant legislation (mainly the L. 2910/2001 and the amending L. 3013/2002 and L. 3274/2004 as well as L. 3838/2010).
The ways of obtaining the Greek citizenship are :
de iure by birth
by common declaration and application due to birth or school attendance in Greece
by recognition
by adoption
by enlistment in
the armed forces
Α. ACQUISITION OF GREEK CITIZENSHIP BY BIRTH IN GREECE (Article 1 (A) of the Greek Nationality Code – GNC)
Α1. ACQUISITION OF GREEK CITIZENSHIP BY BIRTH AND SCHOOL ATTENDANCE IN GREECE (Article 1A (1) of the GNC and Article 2 (1) of the L. 4332/2015)
Conditions related to the birth and attendance of the child in Greece:
a. Birth of a child in Greece.ί. Fixed provisions (art. 1A par. 1 of KEI): It concerns children who have been born in the country from 9th-7-2015 onwards and are minors at the time of submission of the joint declaration-application of their parents.
ίί. Transitional provisions (art. 2 par. 1 of law 4332/2015): It concerns children who have been born in the country until the 8th-7-2015 with the condition that on the 9th-7-2015 they are minors, while their minority should also exist at the time of submission of the joint application-application of their parents.
b. Enrollment of the child in the first grade of a Greek school of primary education and continuation of attendance by the child continuously in a Greek school at the time of submission of the joint statement-application of his parents.
Conditions related to the legality of the stay of the child’s parents:
a. Completion by one of the parents of the child of five years of continuous legal residence in the country at the time of his birth.If the child was born before the completion of the above five-year residence, ten years of continuous legal residence in the country of one of the parents of his child, which begins, even one day, before the birth of the child and is completed after the time of his birth.
b. Legal residence on behalf of both parents of the child (possession of a final title of legal residence valid) at the time of submission of the joint application for a declaration. Applicants must have a valid residence permit in force. According to par. 4 of the new article 1A of the KEI, as replaced by Law 4332/2015, such residence permits do not constitute vouchers, certificates of submission of supporting documents, or other documents that allow the temporary residence of their holder until the decision of his request by the competent administrative or judicial authority or the completion of the pending administrative proceedings concerning them (eg Documents issued to asylum seekers).
c. Possession by at least one of the parents of the child at the time of submission of the joint application-declaration of one of the following, restrictively listed, legal residence permits:
Long-term resident permit, in the application of the provisions of p.d. 150/2006 (A ‘160) or residence permit for a long stay according to the provisions of par. 7 of article 40 of law 3731/2008 (A’ 26) or residence permit provided in article 89 of law 4251/2014 (A ’80), as in force,
residence permit of indefinite duration or ten years under the provisions of Law 2910/2001 (A ’91), of par. 2 of article 91 of law 3386/2005 (A’ 212), of par. 1 of article 39 of Law 3731/2008 (A ‘263) and Article 138 of Law 4251/2014 (A’ 80), as in force,
EU citizen permanent residence certification document based on the provisions of p.d. 106/2007 (A ’135),
Residence permit of a recognized political refugee or subsidiary protection regime, under the provisions of p.d. 61/1999 (A ’63), 96/2008 (A’ 152), 114/2010 (A ‘195) and 113/2013 (A’ 146), as in force, or stateless residence permit,
n. special identity card of expatriate (E.D.T.O.) Accompanied by a valid residence permit of uniform type (A.D.ET.) or other titles of legal residence of expatriate,second-generation residence permit under the provisions of article 108 of law 4251/2014 (A ’80),
Permanent residence card of a Greek family member or EU citizen
(all conditions should be met)
Conditions in connection with the birth and school attendance of a child in Greece:
Birth of a child in Greece.
Standard provisions (art. 1A (1) of the GNC): Concerns the children who were born in the country from the 9th-7-2015 and after this date and are minors at the time of the submission of their parents’ common declarations – application.
ii. Transitional provisions (art. 2 (1) of the L. 4332/2015): Concerns the children who were born in the country by the 8th-7-2015 with the condition that at the 9th-7-2015 are minors, while their minority should also exist at the time of the submission of their parents’ common declaration – application.
b) Registration of the child at the 1st class of a Greek primary school and continuation of attending this school at the time of its parents’ common declaration – application.
Continuous lawful residence of one of his/her parents for a minimum of five years before birth.
If the child is born before the lapse of the aforementioned five years’ residence, Greek citizenship may be acquired after a period of 10 years of continuous lawful residence of one of the parents, commencing even one day before the child’s birth and completed after the time of its birth.
The legal residence of the child’s both parents (possession of a valid final title of permanent residency) at the time of the submission of the common application – declaration. The interested parties are required to possess a valid final title of residence. According to paragraph 4 of the new article 1A of the GNC, replaced by the L. 4332/2015, such a title of residence does not consist of cards, certifications of submission of supporting documents or other documents permitting the temporary residence of the possessor until the decision of their application by the competent administrative or judicial authority or the completion of the pending administrative procedure that concerns them (i.e. documents issued to applicants of asylum).
At least one of the child’s parents at the time of the submission of the common application – declaration should possess one of the titles of legal residence, restrictively listed, as mentioned below:
permit for long-term residents, under the provision of the Presidential Decree 150/2006 (A’ 160) or residence permit for long-term residents, according to the provisions of paragraph 7 of the article 40 of the L. 3731/2008 (A’ 26) or residence permit provided for in the article 89 of the L. 4251/2014 (A’ 80), as in force,
residence permit of indefinite or ten-year duration, according to the provisions of the L. 2910/2001 (A’ 91), of paragraph 2 of the article 91 of the L. 3396/2005 (A’ 212), of paragraph 1 of the article 39 of the L. 3731/2008 (A’ 263) and the article 138 of the L. 4521/2014 (A’ 80), as in force,
document certifying the permanent residency of an E.U. citizen, under the provisions of the Presidential Decree 106/2007 (A’ 135),
iv. title of residency of the recognized political refugee or subsidiary protection status, under the provisions of the Presidential Decrees 61/1999 (A’ 63), 96/2008 (A’ 152), 114/2010 (A’ 195), and 113/2013 (A’ 146), as in force, or a stateless person’s title of residency, v. special identity card for citizens of Greek descent together with a valid residence permit of uniform format or other titles of the expatriate’s legal residence,
vi. “second generation” residence permit according to the provisions of article 108 of the L. 4251/2014 (A’ 80),
vii. card of permanent residence of a Greek or E.U. citizen’s family member
Declaration – application for the acquisition of Greek citizenship.
The minor child’s parents submit to the competent Service of the Regional Administration, in whose territorial competency belongs the municipality of the applicants’ residence, the declaration – application signed and submitted by both, a model of which is attached herein the circular.
A visible copy of the child’s birth certificate, with any changes recorded in the margin of the certificate, according to article 14 of the L. 344/1976.
A visible copy of the parents’ registration of marriage or marriage certificate, provided that the marriage still lasts. In case the child was born before the contraction of the marriage, the submission of the relevant supporting document of the child’s recognition is also required.
A visible copy of the parents’ valid final title of lawful residence.
Certification of the time of legal residence, issued, as appropriate, by the competent services (i.e. of the Regional Administration, the Hellenic Police), which proves either one of the parents’ legal residence for at least five years before the child’s birth, or the constant ten-year legal residence of one of the child’s parents, even by one day before its birth and it is completed after the time of its birth.
Note: It should be clarified that with regards to a parent being a foreign national, there is no obligation for him/her to submit the certification of the time of the legal residence, since sufficient and satisfactory information, concerning the five-year or the ten-year (depending on the case) constant legal residence, can be provided via the information system of residence permit issuance of the Regional Administrations managed by the central service of the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction.
A visible copy of the parent’s valid passport together with its official translation or a travel document recognized by our country, except for the foreign nationals who objectively do not possess a passport according to the definitions of the Migration and Social Integration Code (L. 4251/2014).
a) Certification of registration – attendance at the 1st class of a Greek primary school. As long as the parents’ declaration – application is submitted during the specific educational year (meaning the 1st class of the primary school) the submission only of this certification suffices. The said certification is issued by the Principal of the primary school, in which the child was registered and attends the class.
If the parents’ declaration-application is submitted after the completion of the 1st class of the primary school by the child, it is required only the submission of the certification/certifications of attendance of the Greek school, granted by the Director/s of the relevant school units. The said certification/certifications must prove the child’s attendance, starting from the 1st class, at the school classes of the primary education or the primary and secondary education, as well as the class he/she attends at present or the class in which it is registered at the time of the submission of the parent’s declaration – application. Given the fact that the crucial element, at this point, constitutes the child’s attendance at the Greek school, starting from the 1st class of the Primary school and after that continued up until the time of the submission of the parents’ declaration – application, while it is also taken into account the school year that the child did not complete successfully.
8. A fee of 100 euros (relevant circular of our service with Φ. 130181/16481/27-7-2015 with the topic “Application of the Electronic Fee” and the Online Publication Number: B8TΛ465ΦΘΕ-8Π).
NOTE: The foreign national certificates must be officially translated by the translating service of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the relevant Greek consular authority of the country issuing the certificate, or by a Greek lawyer, or by a graduate translator of the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpretation of the Ionian University and not by simple private translators.
Α2. ACQUISITION OF THE GREEK CITIZENSHIP DUE TO ATTENDANCE IN GREEK SCHOOL IN GRECE (Article 1B (1, 5a and 5b) of the GNC and article 2 (3) of the L. 4332/2015)
(all conditions should be met)
Conditions in connection with the foreign national’s attendance in school in Greece:
Successful attendance of either nine classes of primary and secondary education or six classes of secondary education. Specifically:
a. Standard provisions:
i. Art. 1B (1) of the GNC – It concerns minors who, at the time of the submission of the declaration – application for foreign nationals by them, have already completed before the 9th/7/2015 or complete after the 9th/7/2015 the successful attendance of either nine classes of primary and secondary education or sic classes of secondary education.
ii. Art. 1B (5a) of the GNC – It concerns foreign national adults nonetheless not more than 21 years old at the time of the submission of the declaration – application and who have already completed before the 9th/7/2015 or complete after 9th/7/2015 the successful attendance of either nine classes of primary and secondary education or six classes of secondary education, being though underage at the time of the successful completion of the above-required attendance.
iii. Art. 1B (5b) of the GNC – It concerns foreign national adults not more than 21 years old at the time of the submission of the declaration – application nonetheless, who complete after the 9th/7/2015 the successful attendance of either none classes of primary and secondary education or six classes of secondary education, having reached majority but not exceeding the 23rd year of age at the time of the successful completion of the above-required attendance.
b. Transitional provisions:
i. Art. 2 (3) of the L. 4332/2015 in combination with the provisions of article 1B (1) of the GNC – It concerns adults foreign nationals at the 9th/7/2015 who have already completed before the 9th/7/2015 the successful attendance either nine classes of the primary and secondary education or six classes of the secondary education, having reached majority at the time of the successful completion of the above-required attendance.
ii. Art. 2 (3) of the L. 4332/2015 in combination with the provisions of article 1B (5b) of the GNC – It concerns foreign national adults who have already completed before the 9th/7/2015 the successful attendance of either nine classes of the primary and the secondary education or six classes of the secondary education, having to reach majority but not exceeding the 23rd year of age at the time of the successful completion of the above-required attendance.
Note: a. The attendance of a foreign national student in a Greek school in Greece concerns the nine classes of primary and secondary education or the six classes of secondary education cumulatively and must be successful.
b. The final date for completion of the required attendance by a foreign national student in a Greek school in Greece is considered the 30th of June of the last year of study.
2) Requirements connected with the legality of the foreign national’s residence:
The legal residence of the minor foreign national applicant or the adult foreign national applicant at the time of the submission of the application – declaration. The interested party should possess a final valid title of residence. According to paragraph 7 of the new article 1B of the GNC, as this article was added with the L. 4332/2015, such a title of residence do not constitute cards, certifications of submission of supporting documents, or other documents that permit the temporary residence of the possessor until the decision of their application by the competent administrative or judicial authority or the completion of the pending administration procedure that concerns them (i.e. documents issued to applicants of asylum).
Declaration – application for the acquisition of Greek citizenship.
The foreign national (either minor or adult depending on each case) submit to the competent Service of the Regional Administration, in whose territorial competency belongs the municipality of the applicants’ residence, a signed declaration – application, a model of which is attached herein the circular.
Foreign national’s birth certificate or any other equivalent document certifying the registration of their birth, issued by the competent foreign authorities of their country of origin. If the foreign national is entitled to international protection as a political refugee or they are placed under the subsidiary protection status, or they are a stateless person and cannot provide their birth certificate, a visible photocopy of the act of their recognition as a political refugee, their placement under the subsidiary protection status or the relevant card for the stateless person, respectively, suffices. If the foreign national individual was born in Greece, a visible photocopy of the birth certificate suffices.
A visible photocopy of a final valid title of legal residence.
A visible copy of the foreign national’s valid passport or a travel document recognized by our country, except for the foreign nationals who objectively do not possess a passport according to the definitions of the Migration and Social Integration Code (L. 4251/2014).
Certification of the successful attendance of either the nine classes of primary and secondary education or the six classes of secondary education, issued by the competent Regional Administration of Primary and Secondary Education. In the said certification are mentioned in writing the school years and the classes of the primary and the secondary education or the secondary education that the foreign national student completed successfully.
ATTENTION: a. The attendance of a foreign national student in a Greek school in Greece, concerns the nine classes of primary and secondary education or the six classes of secondary education, cumulatively, while it must also be successful. Thus, for the completion of the above expected time for acquiring Greek citizenship, the school year, that that was not completed, is not taken into account. Attendance in the nursery school shall not be counted. b. Given the fact that in the certificates, issued for the certification of the successful attendance of either the nine classes of the primary and the secondary education or the six classes of the secondary education, are mentioned only the years of study, our service clarifies that in all cases of acquisition of Greek citizenship due to attendance in a Greek school in Greece by a foreign national student, as a final date of the completion of the attendance is considered the 30th of June of the final year of study.
A solemn declaration filled in by the applicant agreeing with the writing of their name and surname with characters of the Greek alphabet, if they so wish, under the condition that the applicant is an adult at the time of the submission of the relevant declaration – application for acquiring the Greek citizenship.
A fee of 100 euros (relevant circular of our service with Φ. 130181/16481/27-7-2015 with the topic “Application of the Electronic Fee” and the Online Publication Number: B8TΛ465ΦΘΕ-8Π).
(all conditions should be met)
Conditions in connection with the foreign national’s study in Greece:
Possession of a high school diploma (secondary education) from a Greek school in Greece.
Graduation from a Department or School of a Greek Higher Education Institution (H.E.I.) or a Technological Education Institution (T.E.I.)
Standard provisions (art. 1B (3) of the GNC): It concerns the foreign nationals who graduate from a Greek institution of higher education from the 9th/7/2015 and after.
Transitional provisions (art. 2 (3) of the L. 4332/2015 in combination with the provisions of the art. 1B (2) of the GNC): It concerns the foreign nationals who have graduated by the 8th/7/2015 from a Greek institution of higher education.
Conditions in connection with the legality of the foreign national’s residence:
The legal residence of the foreign national (possession of a final valid title of legal residence) at the time of the submission of the application – declaration. The interested party must possess a valid final title of residence. According to paragraph 7 of the new article 1B of the GNC, as this article was added with the L. 4332/2015, as this article was added with the L. 4332/2015, such a title of residence do not constitute cards, certifications of submission of supporting documents or other documents that permit the temporary residence of the possessor until the decision of their application by the competent administrative or judicial authority or the completion of the pending administration procedure that concerns them (i.e. documents issued to applicants of asylum).
Declaration – application for the acquisition of Greek citizenship.
The adult foreign national submits to the competent Service of the Regional Administration, in whose territorial competency belongs the municipality of the applicants’ residence, the declaration – application, o model of which is attached herein the circular. Specifically:
Standard provisions (art. 1B (2) of the GNC): Foreign national individual who graduates from a Greek institution of higher education from the 9th/7/2015 and after submits the relevant declaration – application for the acquisition of the Greek citizenship within the exclusive deadline of three years from the date of their graduation from the department or the school of the Greek H.E.I. or T.E.I.
NOTE: The starting point for the calculation of the aforementioned three-year exclusive deadline constitutes the date and the year of the acquisition of the higher education qualification, as it is referred to in the copy of the degree or the diploma.
Transitional provisions (art. 2 (3) of the L. 4332/2015): The foreign national who graduates from a Greek institution of higher education by the 8th/7/2015 submits the relevant declaration – application for the acquisition of the Greek citizenship within a period of three years from the date of the publication of the L. 4332/2015, meaning until the 9th/7/2018.
NOTE: The foreign nationals, who despite they have not yet sworn the graduation oath or received their relevant degree/diploma, nonetheless present the certification of the successful completion of their studies, fall within the scope of the transitional provisions of paragraph 3 of the article 2 of the L. 4332/2015, provided that in the above certification is mentioned in writing the date of completing their studies being by the 8th/7/2015.
Foreign national’s birth certificate or any other equivalent document certifying the registration of their birth, issued by the competent foreign authorities of their country of origin. If the foreign national is entitled of international protection as a political refugee or they are placed under the subsidiary protection status, or they are a stateless person and cannot provide their birth certificate, a visible photocopy of the act of their recognition as a political refugee, their placement under the subsidiary protection status or the relevant card for the stateless person, respectively, suffices. If the foreign national individual was born in Greece, a visible photocopy of the birth certificate suffices.
A visible photocopy of a final valid title of legal residence.
A visible copy of the foreign national’s valid passport or a travel document recognized by our country, except for the foreign nationals who objectively do not possess a passport according to the definitions of the Migration and Social Integration Code (L. 4251/2014).
A visible copy of the high school diploma (secondary education) of a Greek school in Greece.
A visible copy of the degree or the diploma of the department or school of the Greek H.E.I. or T.E.I., in which it is mentioned the date and the year of its acquisition. Certifications of the relevant departments or schools of the H.E.I. or T.E.I., concerning the successful completion of the studies, are also accepted. The said certification is awarded to the interested party even before the award of the title of the diploma and, essentially, it certifies that the student has passed successfully the required courses and has achieved the required, by the program, credits.
A solemn declaration filled in by the applicant agreeing with the writing of their name and surname with characters of the Greek alphabet, if they so wish.
A fee of 100 euros (relevant circular of our service with Φ. 130181/16481/27-7-2015 with the topic “Application of the Electronic Fee” and the Online Publication Number: B8TΛ465ΦΘΕ-8Π).
a) have reached the age of majority by the time of the submission of the declaration of naturalization.
b) have not been irrevocably sentenced to deprivation of liberty for a term of not less than either one year or six months for having committed crimes with malice aforethought within the last decade before the submission of the declaration of naturalization.
c) have neither been undergoing deportation nor have other pending issues regarding his or her lawful stay in the Country.
d) have lawfully resided in Greece for seven continuous years before the submission of the application for naturalization.
e) hold one of the following legal residence titles:
Permit of long residence
Certificate or other residence title issued to family members of a Greek citizen or of a citizen of the Member State of the European Union or to the parents of an underage Greek citizen
Card of recognized political refugee
Second generation residence permit
Card or any other residence title issued to foreign nationals of Greek origin
Have adequate knowledge of the Greek language.
Have been smoothly integrated into the economic and social life of the Country.
Be able to take an active part in the political life of the country with respect for the fundamental principles that govern it.
It concerns foreign nationals who possess residence permits of five-year duration, according to the provisions of the Presidential Decree 150/2006.
1) True copy of the naturalization statement. The foreign national, who wishes to become a Greek citizen, submit the naturalization statement to the Municipality of their permanent residence and signs it before the Mayor or the authorized by the Mayor Deputy Mayor or employee, with the presence of two Greek citizens acting as witnesses.
2) The application for the naturalization, which is addressed to the Minister of Interior and is submitted to the competent service of the relevant Decentralized Administration, in which belongs to the Municipality of the applicant’s permanent residence. The said statement is filled in (with Greek characters) in all fields and signed by the applicant himself/herself.
3) A recent colored photo.
4) True copy of a valid passport or other travel document or other identity documents.
5) True copy of the long residence permit, issued according to the provisions of the Presidential Decree 150/2006.
6) The applicant’s birth certificate or other equivalent certificate provided for by the legislation of the Country of the first citizenship, officially validated and translated. It is highlighted that:
Certificates, issued by the countries which are contracting parties to the Hague Convention (Apostille), bear the apostille of the Hague Convention by the competent foreign authority on the original foreign language document and not on the translated ones.
Certificates, issued by the countries which are contracting parties to the Hague Convention but our Country (Greece) has raised objections for their accession i.e. Albania, bear the validation of the Greek consular authorities abroad, in relation to the authenticity of the signature of the foreign body. The ratification is done on the original and not on a photocopy
Certificates, issued by the countries which are not contracting parties to the Hague Convention, bear ratification of the Greek consular authorities abroad or the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in relation to the authenticity of the foreign body. The ratification, also, in this case, is done on the original and not on the photocopy.
The birth certificate shall be translated by the translation service of the Greek Ministry of Interior or the relevant Greek consular authority of the country of issuing the certificate, or by a Greek lawyer, or by a graduate translator of the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpretation of the Ionian University and not by a translation agency.
In case the foreign national was born in Greece, their birth certificate suffices.
In case the foreign national, for objective reasons, do not possess a passport (due to special circumstances or situations taken place in the Country of origin that is verified by the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs), suffices the valid residence permit granted to these cases according to the procedure described in the provisions of paragraph 1 (c) of the article 84 of the L. 3386/2005, as replaced by the article 42 (2) of the L. 3907/2011.
7) True copy of the salary slip or copy of the Income Tax Declaration of the last financial year. In case the applicant does not submit an income tax declaration, then the spouse’s or a parent’s income tax declaration is submitted to the competent service of the Decentralized Administration. In case the aforementioned do not also occur, then the applicant submits a solemn declaration of the L. 1599/86, in which he/she refers that he/she does not submit an income tax declaration along with the reasons for the non-submission.
8) Social Security Number
9) Fee of seven hundred euros (700.00 €), in the form of a proof copy of collection of type A’, for the submission of the initial application or a fee of two hundred euros (200.00 €) for the resubmission of the application, after the rejection decision by the Mister of Interior.
A foreign national born out of wedlock, who has been legally recognized by a Greek citizen, to equate with a legitimate child of his father, he/she becomes a Greek citizen, if at the time of recognition he/she is a minor
A person who has been adopted as a minor by a Greek citizen becomes a Greek citizen upon the day of his/her adoption.
Foreign nationals of Greek origin admitted to military academies as officers or non-commissioned officers or enlisted in the armed forces as volunteers, in accordance with current legislation, lawfully acquire Greek citizenship upon their admittance to the academies or upon their enlistment.