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Α. Partnerships (General Partnership, Limited Partnership)
In line with the current law, according to article 58 of the Law 4172/2013 (Income Tax Code, hereinafter referred to as ITC) the partnerships which apply either single entry or double entry bookkeeping are subject to taxation on their profits at the rate of 29%, as it is enacted by the article 58 par. 1 of the ITC, amended by the par. 10 of the article 112 of the law 4387/2016, which according to the par. 11 of this article and law is applicable to the income earned from the tax year 2016 and following ones.
Moreover, in the case of double-entry bookkeeping and profit distribution to the partners, an income tax is withheld at a rate of 15% paid by the company.
The remunerations paid to the managers of the partnerships are taxed, according to the scale for employees, as provided by article 15 of the ITC. More specifically, from 0.00 € – 20,000.00 € the rate is 22%, from 20,001.00 € – 30,000.01 € the rate is 29%, from 30.001 – 40.000 € the rate is 37% and for more than 40,001.00 € the rate is 45%.
Nonetheless, according to article 16 of the ITC, a reduction on tax is provided for by the amount of one thousand nine hundred (1,900.00) euro, if the taxable income does not exceed the amount of twenty thousand (20,000.00) euro, while further reductions are provided depending on the number of dependent children of the taxpayer.
If the tax amount is less than these amounts, the tax reduction is limited to the amount of the corresponding tax. Where the taxable income exceeds the amount of twenty thousand (20,000) euro, the amount of the reduction shall be reduced by ten (10) euro per one thousand (1,000) euro of taxable income.
Β. Companies with shared capitals (Societe Anonyme, limited liability company, private company – in Greek: IKE, ιδιωτική κεφαλαιουχική εταιρία)
In accordance to what is currently in force, a tax on the profits at a rate of 29% is imposed to the aforementioned companies and in case of profit distribution to the shareholders/partners, an additional 15% on the distributed profits is imposed, withheld by the company and paid to the tax authority.
The management of the company (members of the Board of Directors, executive director, manager etc.) is taxed for the income earned by the company, according to the taxation scale of employment services. More specifically, from 0.00 € – 20,000.00 € the rate is 22%, from 20,001.00 € – 30,000.00 € the rate is 29%, from 30,001-40,000 € the rate is 37% and for more than 40,001.00 € the rate is 45%. Furthermore, the tax reductions regarding the managers’ income taxation of the partnerships are applied, as provided for in article 16 of the ITC, and analyzed accordingly above.