Electronic applications for residence permits
A new era of electronic applications. According to the article №1 of the decision 374365/2021, applications by third-country nationals for the renewal of residence permits, which are issued in accordance with the provisions of Laws 425/2014 and 106/2007, are now submitted exclusively through the electronic services of the Ministry of Immigration, applying the provisions of Law 4251/2014 and 106/2007 and the regulations issued thereunder.
Application procedure:
- The submission of an application by a third-country national under the provisions of the article №9, paragraph 2, Law 4251/2014 have to be submitted only through the electronic services of the Ministry of Immigration, by registering the phone number and the email address of the resident .
- Applications must be accompanied by supporting documents, which are downloaded electronically.
- The electronic declaration performs the function of a declaration of honor in terms of the content and accuracy of the data submitted, and is subject to liability for the provision of false statements under the provisions of Law 1599/1986 (A ’75).
- The application ends with a confirmation of the applicant’s entry. The date of submission of the application is the date of its final submission via the electronic platform of the Ministry of Immigration.
- Upon successful submission of the application, the applicant receives the following: 1) a confirmation of the application, which lists the applicant’s data and the list of documents submitted 2) a document replacing the certificate issued pursuant to article 9, paragraph 4, of law 4251/2014 («Blue Certificate»).
- The applications must contain supporting documents, which are uploaded as separate electronic files.
- The electronic application has the status of a solemn declaration, regarding the content and accuracy of the submitted data.
- If the submitted data is confirmed by the applicant, the final submission of the electronic application is completed.
- Upon successful submission, the applicant receives at his e-mail address the following: a) proof of submission of the application, which includes all the information and the documents that have been registered in the request for renewal and b) a document, which has the status of a certificate according to par. 4 of article 9 of law 4251/2014 (“Blue Certificate”).
The above document receives a unique serial number and contains accurate data and information, according to which it is possible to verify the authenticity and accuracy of its content. This certificate becomes automatically invalid if the residence permit is issued or a declined. - The accuracy and authenticity of the data is verified electronically by the competent public services, either through the interoperability service of public bodies with the Integrated Information System (IIS) of the Ministry of Immigration.
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