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The Ministry of Environment and Energy received a study-research with the title “Business Positioning and Land Uses”.

It is evident that new proposals are targeting the resolution of timeless ambiguities and counter-motives emerging from the incomplete National Positioning Plan, mainly regarding the installation and operation of businesses.

The president of the Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce and the Athens Chamber of commerce and industry, Mr. Michalos, mentioned that the study, focused on the last five decades, was conducted at a theoretical, institutional and legislative level, while an attempt to evaluate lacks and obscurities of land use law. More specifically, the contradictions, issues, and disputes which have been spotted over the past years have been traced, examined, and reviewed.

The study includes specific sections for the issuance of permits for Business Parks and organized positioning of businesses, as well as the analysis of casual legislation samples towards the resolution of issues.

The legislative initiative of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry is summarized in 14 legislative articles and targets the creation of conditions and procedures towards the acceleration and organization of business positioning, restricting, therefore, the outside plan building which is both the environment as well as the competitiveness of businesses.

In the same context, the aforesaid proposal clarifies and completes terms and restrictions of positioning legislation, attempts to resolve crucial issues regarding Refugees of Wildlife, land of high productivity, Special Spatial Plans, and other categories.

Finally, a National Strategic Business Positioning is presented, aiming to the definition of areas fulfilling the sustainability conditions, in order for the business development to be in compliance to environmental accuracy.

Building Regulations
Greece evolves Building Regulations
CategoryGeneral News
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