You are viewing post Naturalization of foreign citizens: accepting residence permit for property owners/investors and residence permits for investment activity

A Ministerial Decision regarding the addition of permanent residence permits that are accepted for the naturalization of foreign citizens was published in the Government Gazette. The list now includes residence permits of indefinite duration or of a 10-year duration, residence permits regarding investment activity, as well as a residence permit for property owners or a permanent investor residence permit.

According to the decision, in par.1, of Article 5 of the Code of Greek Citizenship, cases indicated in αη and αθ are added.

Regarding case 1008, it concerns residence permits of a 10-year and indefinite duration, according to the provision of par. 2 (Article 22), of Law 2910/2001 (A’ 91). As replaced with par. 3 of Article 32, of Law 3202/2003 (Α’ 284), par. 2 of Article 91, or Law 3386/2005 (Α’ 212), par. 1 of Article 39, of Law 3731/2008 (Α’ 263) and Article 138 of Law 4251/2014 (Α’ 80)

αθ) Residence permits regarding investment activities, as is foreseen by the provisions of Article 16, of Law 4251/2014 (Α΄ 80). Executives, as indicated in par.2 of Article 1 of the Joint Ministerial Decision 53969/22.10.2014 (Β’ 2928) as well as residence permits for property owners or permanent investor residence permits, according to the provisions of Article 36A of Law. 3386/2005 (Α’ 212) and Article 20, Chapter 2 of Law 4251/2014 (Α’ 80) constitute an exception

The new Article 5 of the Code of Greek Citizenship defines that any foreign citizen, who wishes to become a Greek citizen, through naturalization, among others, as mentioned above, includes:

11)  long-term residence permit, pursuant to the implementation of the provisions of the Presidential Decree 150/2006 (Government Gazette 160, Volume 1),

12) certificate or another type of residence permit issued to citizens of the Member States of the EU or EFTA countries, based on the provisions of the Presidential Decree 106/2007 (ΦΕΚ 135 Volume 1).

13) card or another type of residence permit, issued to members of a family of a Greek citizen or of a citizen of a Member State of the EU or a parent of a minor who is a national, pursuant to the implementation of the provisions of Articles 61, 63 and 94 of Law 3386/2005,

14) certificate of a recognized refugee or a subsidiary protection status or a member of a family of a holder of such certificate, including those that have been issued, in accordance with the provisions of the previous Presidential Decree 61/1999 (Government Gazette, Volume 63), as well as Presidential Decrees 90/2008 (Government Gazette, Volume 138), 96/2008 (Government Gazette, Volume 152), 167/2008 (Government Gazette, Volume 223) and 81/2009 (Government Gazette, Volume 99), as amended and valid today,

15) travel documents or a special card that was issued by a national authority, in accordance with the provisions of the New York Convention, regarding the status of Stateless Persons, that was ratified with Law 139/1975 (Government Gazette, Volume 176),

16) card or any other residence permit of a homogenous person of any kind, except for the Special ID of a Homogenous Person.

17) residence permit of the second generation, as per the implementation of the provisions of Article 108, of Law 4251/2014 (Government Gazette, Volume 80 Α’)

18) residence permit of indefinite duration or a 10-year duration, in accordance with the provisions of par. 2 of Article 22 of Law 2910/2001 (Α’ 91), as replaced with par.3 of Article 32 of Law 3202/2003 (Α’ 284), par.2 of Article 91 of Law 3386/2005 (Α’ 212), par.1 of Article 39, of Law 3731/2008 (Α’ 263) and Article 138 of Law 4251/2014 (Α’ 80),

19) residence permit issued for investment activity, in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of Law 4251/2014 (Α’ 80), except for the executives indicated in par.2 of Article 1 of the Joint Ministerial Decision 53969/22.10.2014 (Β’ 2928), as well as residence permits for property owners or permanent investor residence permit, in accordance with the provisions of Article 36Α of Law 3386/2005 (Α’ 212) and Article 20, Chapter 2, of Law 4251/2014 (Α’ 80).

Naturalization of foreign citizens: accepting residence permit for property owners/investors and residence permits for investment activity
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