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The Ministerial decision to extend the date of entry into Law 4178/2013 for the categories 1, 2, 4, 5 of Article 9, as regards the deadline for arbitrary constructions: “Addressing the Arbitrary Building – Environmental Balance and Other provisions “(Government Gazette A / 174) was published in the Government Gazette. The new date is set to be 23rd September 2017, 60 days later than the previous one. The new date aims to fill the gap before the implementation of the new Law.

Please note that this extension is the seventh in a row and in September it has been planned that the law will be discussed. The new framework will provide reductions in fines, submission and control of administrative acts and building permits electronically, and a 20% discount for those who declare Real Estate falling under categories foreseen by the Law by 9 December 2017.

A new two-month extension regarding arbitrary constructions
CategoryGeneral News
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