Finally, the Ministry of Digital Government puts an end to the need for physical presence in the Cadastral Offices for citizens and professionals (lawyers, notaries, etc.), who waited for up to a year every time to complete transfers, enduring long delays to make an appointment. With the changes brought by the new proposed law, the procedures for issuing certificates, copies and extracts, as well as submitting amendment statements, will be done only electronically.

In the first phase, there will be a possibility to submit and circulate the applications to the Cadastral Offices by electronic means. In the same way, it will be possible to pay the fees and duties.

In the second phase and after the decision of the competent authority, the date, from which all the transactions with the Cadastral Offices will be carried out only by electronic means, will be determined.

In addition, the proposed law specifies the nature of the control carried out by the Cadastral Offices regarding the applications and the attached supporting documents for the registration of transactions in such a way that does not leave space for different treatment of similar issues. Thus, the transactions are to be evaluated based on objective criteria. It is also clearly stated that the control of documents “will assess exclusively the legality of the act, the registration of which is requested”.

Thus, it intends to solve the main problems in the operation of the Cadastral Offices, which were mentioned by the Association of Notaries and specifically:

  • Long delays in most Cadastral Offices for the issuance of copies of cadastral sheets and excerpts of cadastral diagrams, that could take up to one week.
  • Lack of objective rules for the legality control held by the Heads of Cadastral Offices.
  • Huge waiting lists in many cadastral offices and low speed of services
  • Need for implementation of electronic services in all Cadastral Offices
CategoryGeneral News
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