Another investment category that has attracted a lot of interest is “Strategic Investments” which are defined and described in Article 1 L. 3894/2010. Strategic Investments are considered to be the productive investments that deliver qualitative and quantitative results of an important degree to the total national economy, promote the exit from the financial crisis and concern especially the construction, reconstruction, extension, restructuring, modernization, or the preservation of existing buildings, facilities and networks; a. industry, b. energy, c. tourism d. transport and communication e. provision of health services f. waste management g. high technology projects and innovation h. field of education i. field of civilization j. primary sector and processing of agri-food products and k. provision of services regarding the tertiary sector, in general, provided that they fill at least one of the following conditions:
- the total investment cost is over one hundred million euro (100.000.000) regardless of the investment sector or
- the total cost of the investment is over fifteen million euro (15.000.000) for investments in the industry field within already organized receptors according to the current provisions or three million euro (3.000.000) for investments which consist of projects within the framework of the portfolio fund (capital) JESSICA which has been established pursuant to No. 35996/EΥΣ 5362/2010 (Β’ 1388) joint ministerial decision, as it is in force each time, based on the procedure which is defined in articles 1 paragraph 1 and 5 paragraph 1 of the aforementioned decision or
- the total investment cost is over forty million euro (40.000.000) while concurrently from the investment at least one hundred and twenty (120) new working positions are created.
- at least one hundred and fifty (150) new working positions, in a sustainable manner, are created from the investment or at least six hundred (600) working positions are maintained in a sustainable manner or
- the total investment cost is over five million euro (5.000.00) for investments regarding the development of Business Parks in Part B’ of L. 3982/2011 (A’ 143)
- the total investment cost regarding high research projects, technological development, and innovation independently or for investments which are referred to in paragraph 1 of the present and are estimated at over 1.000.000 euro

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