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ΕΓΚ 15/2016: ΕΓΚ.ΙΚΑ 15/16: Recognition of insurance time for third country nationals who hold a TYPE CERTIFICATE (Γ1.3.) Or (Γ1.4.) Issued for EXCELLENT REASONS, in accordance with the provisions of par. 23, paragraph 4, of article 8, of N. 4332/2015, in order to settle their legal residence in the country.

Pursuant to article 8, par. 23, of law 4332/2015 (Government Gazette 76 / TAI / 09-07-2015) Law 4251/2014 was amended to adapt Greek legislation to the directives of the European Parliament and Council 2011/98 / EU “, in particular Article 19 of 4251/2014 was replaced regarding the issuance of residence permits for exceptional reasons to third country nationals residing in Greece and proving that they have developed strong ties with the country.

In order to be granted a residence permit for exceptional reasons, third-country nationals holding a final residence permit, regardless of the issuing authority, which has expired in the last decade before the application is submitted, in addition, full sickness insurance coverage is required, according to with the case ε΄ of article 6 of law 4251/2014, either from the insurance of the same, or from the insurance of the spouse. Those interested can redeem the required insurance days, from the insurance company with which they had an insurance connection before the expiration of their legal residence permit.

The above redemption of insurance time is carried out in accordance with the minimum time of insurance days provided by the joint Ministerial Decision No. 51738/2014 (Government Gazette 2947 / t.BD / 3-11-2014), the validity of which was extended for the period from 1/10/2015 to 30/9/2016, with the joint Ministerial with number 61227/2015 (Government Gazette 2050 / t.BD / 18-9-2015) (ref. the document of the G.G.K.A. with reference number Φ80000 / 47651/1573 / 27- 11-2015).

Pursuant to the above provisions, the applicants for renewal of their residence permit in the country, citizens of third countries, are issued a relevant certificate of type AD, which is explicitly referred to as License Category: “Exceptional Reasons (C.1.3) or (C.1.4) provision of services or project -1010 “.

Beneficiaries of redemption of insurance time citizens of third countries (registered or not in the Register of Insured of IKA-ETAM) if they wish to recognize insurance time in IKA-ET. Α.Μ. based on the provisions of law 4332/2015, must be addressed to the Revenue Service of I.K.A. – Ε.Τ.Α.Μ., place of residence, submitting a relevant request (model 1) while presenting their passport (even if it has expired) the aforementioned original certificate type ΑΔ, as well as their responsible statement with which it is stated that they do not have an insurance connection with any body other than the I.K.A. – Ε.Τ.Α.Μ.

If it is an unregistered third country citizen in the Register of Insured of I.K.A.-Ε.Τ.Α.Μ. must be preceded by an inventory with the return of the Insured Registration Number, in accordance with its instructions with Circular No. 49/2014 of the Insurance – Revenue Directorate.

In the case of applications for a residence permit for exceptional reasons by protected members, a separate redemption of insurance days is required for each member.

The identifiable insurance days are part or all of the insurance days required for the granting of insurance capacity and are automatically calculated through the OPS / IKA-ETAM system.

Εγκύκλιος 15.2016
Circular 15.2016
CategoryGeneral News
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