You are reading the page The circular with the instructions for completing E1 – How to declare income from airbnb leases
The new form E1 and the circular with the instructions for completing the tax return with the income of 2017 were published in the Government Gazette. Among other things, the circular provides clarifications on how taxpayers will declare the expenses they made in 2017 with plastic money to cover the tax-free limit, income from short-term leases such as Airbnb, as well as what applies to married people and guests. Detailed instructions are also given for the form E2 in which the income from real estate and the uncollected rents are declared.
The circular of the Governor of the Independent Public Revenue Authority states in article 1 for the submission of income tax returns of natural persons:
The annual income tax returns for the year 2017 of paragraph 1 of article 67 of law 4172/2013, are submitted electronically until the date specified. In exceptional cases, when there is an objective and real impossibility of submitting the declaration electronically, it is allowed to submit them in handwritten form to the competent Tax Authorities. This also applies in cases where the deadline for submission of the application expires at the end of the year, if there is an inability to submit electronically. In exceptional cases, when there is an objective and real impossibility of submitting the declaration electronically, it is allowed to submit them in handwritten form to the competent Tax Authorities. This also applies in cases where the deadline for submission of the application expires at the end of the year, if there is an inability to submit electronically.
The tax accountant may be authorized to manage the forms E1, E2 and E3, with the original signature of any administrative authority or KEP. In case there is an objective and real impossibility of submitting the declaration electronically, it is allowed to submit them in handwritten form to the competent Tax Authorities. This also applies in cases where the deadline for submission of the application expires at the end of the year, if there is an inability to submit electronically. Married people must submit a joint statement of their income, provided they are married at the time of their acquisition. If the marital cohabitation is terminated at the time of submission or one of the two falls into a state of bankruptcy or has submitted legal aid, the spouses submit a separate tax return, with the obligation to first inform the Department of Administrative and Computer Support. for the above changes. The cohabitants of the cohabitation agreement have the same tax treatment.
With regard to residents abroad, declarations shall be submitted in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 67 by the date specified in the relevant provisions. The same goes for locals. When a resident taxpayer in Greece transfers his family abroad, then the tax return is submitted according to the POL. 1201/2017 Decision of the Commander of AADE, until 31.12.2018.
For those who have passed away, the handwritten form is valid and not the electronic one until 31.12.2018, provided that the competent Department of Administrative and Computer Support has been informed with the required information and the necessary supporting documents. The statement of the parent with the E3 of the minor child whose income is taxed in the name of the parent who exercises parental care is also handwritten. In bankruptcy, there are two (2) declarations required to be submitted. A declaration from the poor person electronically, for income obtained from non-bankruptcy property and a declaration in handwritten form to the competent Tax Office. by the bankruptcy trustee for the income obtained from the bankruptcy estate.
The incomes of the taxpayers from the incomes of short-term leases of Airbnb type real estate of 2017 are obliged to submit them to E2 and column 7. Their taxation is done with rates from 15% to 45%. Code 60 of this column will state all the income obtained from the short-term rental of real estate, per property, through the online platform Airbnb, etc. Code 61 of the column will include the income from the short-term rental of real estate for the year 2017. column 4, the taxpayer selects the category of his declared property, as applicable to the completion of E9
Column 17 fills in the type of lease and the use of the property.
The Detailed Statement of Rents (form E2) also declares the real estate of the dependent minor children from the obligated parent. These properties are also completed in Table I of the second page of the form, indicating the TIN of the child.
Regarding the income tax return E9, the updated data of the taxpayer are defined, with the electronic address (e-mail) that is used. The foreign tax resident, in particular, is required to confirm the country of his tax residence.
The natural persons who apply for a change of their tax residence for the year 2017, follow the procedure defined in POL.1201 / 2017 Decision of the Governor of AADE, while for years prior to 2017, they follow the procedure of POL.1177 / 2014 circular, but with the supporting documents provided in POL.1201 / 2017 Decision of the Commander of AADE.

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